I wish more guys on
wall street wrote more that way they
could see what they do...
by bs
I drop to my hands
in deep shock at being uh
understood, for once...
by bs
Self-expression helps
It exorcises demons
Locked deep within us
by Use your time wisely of Consentrate on your feelings
we can now see why
You're numerous submissions
Grief drives you to it
by Forgive my impatience of I was perhaps a little shallow
i miss my father
it's been seveteen nonths now
God rest his sweet soul
by ap
my guest kept me up
I'm dazed from lack of sleep
sweet kisses. Very.
by studboy of Venice, CA
our network goes down
like a diseased, furred lemming
lying on its back
by studboy of Venice,CA
of silent words
of quiet words
by bs
standing by a shrub
arguing if it's a tree
or a shrub...godot
by bs of vladimir and estragon
by Anonymous Poet
by Anonymous Poet
do you understand
evil spirits? they are our
fruedian selves...sort of
by bs of rebuke, rebuke...rebuke...
notice how there's a
reaction, but when it's gone
silence...come to it
it's spring already
by bs
start submitting, not
bitching, HEALTHY competition
give us some ideas
by bs
sometimes it's wise to
act the fool as to not know
what you're supposed to do
by bs
rush limbaugh loves it
when "the liberals" bark and hoot
gives him a show hmm?
by bs of if you want to submit your own
It's Bla! Bla! Black sheep
Have you any fool? Yes sir
Yes sir, three bags full
by Give us a break!!!! of Stop submitting for a while!!!
indeed, this website
has it's purpose but sometimes
it's best to blow it off
by bs
it's often the fact
the less i want something the
more people want me
by bs
there's always an urge
animal or otherwise
to compete in man
by bs
I find that I feel
compelled to answer critics
that's what they want I
imagine, and the
cycle is a circle of no
real concern or life
by bs
the previous gen
is familiar to you
my son will say the same
about me
by bs
then a new boat shows
picks us all up and then the
old boat sinks away...
(predicts response will be
"no it just picks me up...and you sink, compete, compete, compete...)
(shrugs, it's fallen man)
by bs
the risk we take to
critique others bears the notion
I judge, I be judged
by bs
Row row row your boat
Because it is sinking fast
And I cannot swim
by Anchovy P. Imbalances
Dull you say, we're dull?
Try reading your own Haiku's
So boring. That's dull!
by Previous generation of Not as dull as you
homecoming parade -
children line the streets with flags
troops bring back the slaves
by elio
the clear blue sky,
crossed by heavy plane - slowly,
smog trails behind
by elio of mistakenville
molten laver rises
up to earths heavy crust -
young man ploughs the land
by elio
the clear blue sky,
crossed slowly by heavy plane -
smog trails behind
by elio
down the darkened lane
lit by the judging posts
wildlife lingers
by phil of wirral
expectation falls
as the rain washes today
down a thirsty drain
by phil of wirral
good night sweet prints and
put thy self in the photo
holder, to fade out
by bs
why the hell is the
previous generation
so god damn dull
by bs
two preety birds,
tweeting through the night -
about a land of ice
by elio
Bored, with everything
won't you end all this boredom?
then I think... guess not
by func of Stockholm
I'm on a roll and
need cheese and a bun to stop
this burgers for you
by bs of one way to eat steak tartar
if people worry
about work, neighbors, home, life, peace
this world chokes me out...
by bs of xtian cynicism
what is it that in
anger, I accused
canada of marx...
it was about big J
and then Americans are the
bottom of the you
know, popularity
contest in the news then
but does calling folks
either liberal scum
or knuckle dragging bubbas
solve anything...
by bs of it was really bothering me
the shocking or the
kinds of people who end up
on the judge judy
suing people over
spilled coffee, sigh, snort, grunt
why do useless, live?
by Anonymous Poet
I can't stop sometimes
with the mountains of haiku
like celestial....
by bs of woah man
always someone more
shocking than the next till "gasp!"
he's moral, oh shit...
by Anonymous Poet
the internet is
a tower of babel of
information things...
by bs
some people do nothing
some people do everything
some folks smoke pot
by bs of commentary on work ethics
I want to kick to
wake people up from their work
work work work work work
routines are comfort
like this one is to me and
denies should bes...
by bs of routine roulette
destroy my syntax
with a sad format error
the shame of it all
by ash
it's feast and famine
some are worse some are better they're all bad haiku
by ash
what's faster than that??
presto and shazam degree
it's prestissimo
by dontch know
from a hand, from place
contribution to a trick
ante up muffin
by watcha holdin
Oh my great zeugma
come to me, my mind and home
yoking bonding love
by I love u zeugma