Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 63 Days and 77460 Haiku later...

na na na na na
na na na na na na na
na na na na nu
Haiku # 23611, November 29, 2002 10:11 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
I'm sifting: placid
guru knife oxygen blip
hangnail yesteryear
Haiku # 23610, November 29, 2002 10:10 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
old crow baloney
a swatch of nightmare again
read my old lips, dude
Haiku # 23609, November 29, 2002 10:09 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
ghost burrito nine
ion ion ion ion cone
she shaw she shaw shaw
Haiku # 23608, November 29, 2002 10:08 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
wizard flake custard
potato pie and coleslaw
one hundred pimples
Haiku # 23607, November 29, 2002 10:06 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
ahh na na na na
eep up up up up eep up
ahh neep neep neep neep
Haiku # 23606, November 29, 2002 10:04 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
helicopter ride
fish eyes witch eyes hamburger
cherry applesauce
Haiku # 23605, November 29, 2002 10:03 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
green robot massage
old silver-plated pliers
a cop stopped me cold
Haiku # 23604, November 29, 2002 10:01 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
and sex and light and
underwater laser lights
plastic tomato
Haiku # 23603, November 29, 2002 10:00 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
tapeworm energy
my my my and what a face
forever hungry
Haiku # 23602, November 29, 2002 9:58 am ET
by SuperHybrid:JDX of Boulder USA
dagnabbit! now twice!
from last maestro through
this, credit is mine
Haiku # 23601, November 28, 2002 9:59 pm ET
by maestro
vulgar terms. Sorry
maestro's utterance beneath
damn that field of "Name:"
Haiku # 23600, November 28, 2002 9:45 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
wields no value in spirit
Iraq v. Tex' ... Fuck!
Haiku # 23599, November 28, 2002 9:41 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
props (pardon my slang)
to haiku five hundred Scott
for helmeted wit
Haiku # 23598, November 28, 2002 9:38 pm ET
by maestro
an insipid post
no one ever fought for spam
ingratitude sucks
Haiku # 23597, November 28, 2002 8:29 pm ET
by ap
Turkey: Mmmm, good stuff-
It is my bird of choice, see?
Big, dumb, tasty bird.
Haiku # 23596, November 28, 2002 8:06 pm ET
by Mark
Let's all kill Saddam
Because a few years ago
We gave him weapons
Haiku # 23595, November 28, 2002 12:55 pm ET
by groggo of hell good turkey
and remember, it's for this that

we fight our wars for
Haiku # 23594, November 28, 2002 5:12 am ET
by k of White Trash Central
you know what it is?
it's that 'cooler than thou' thing
that really bugs me
Haiku # 23593, November 28, 2002 5:04 am ET
by k of there's a reason i live in northeren california
am i just jaded?
it seems that if i had been
on drugs, beck might rock

(naw, probably not)
Haiku # 23592, November 28, 2002 5:00 am ET
by k
turkey tomorrow
cooked bird, ass full of stuffing
gluttony abides
Haiku # 23591, November 28, 2002 4:55 am ET
by k of going to sebastopol...where? me, it's nice there
no intensity
nothing to grab me except
the drunk guy near me
Haiku # 23590, November 28, 2002 4:52 am ET
by k of whatever happened to dropping the act in favor of a good jam?
saw beck and flaming was a 'show' all right
in LA style
Haiku # 23589, November 28, 2002 4:51 am ET
by k of (note...LA isn't necessarily a 'good' thing)
Inspectors, beware-
Lies, Lies, Lies- watch your back man-
Saddam plans war again.
Haiku # 23588, November 28, 2002 12:55 am ET
by Mark
I'm George B, I own
a Ford Extinction and I'm
a Gasshole...Hi George!
Haiku # 23587, November 27, 2002 6:40 pm ET
by onjaysun
it's sterile hanging
behind a firewall
cast out for lack of
Haiku # 23586, November 27, 2002 4:26 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
the noose is hanging
and waiting for the man to
step in, and jump in
Haiku # 23585, November 27, 2002 4:24 pm ET
by Mox
johnny walked the line
put dollar bills behind strings
guitar percussion
Haiku # 23584, November 27, 2002 8:49 am ET
by Mellie, they told me that at Sun Studio, Memphis
we rule the world now
and we all drive S U Vs
what am i missing
Haiku # 23583, November 27, 2002 5:23 am ET
by ap
saw johnny cash on
the TV 2 nite, he's still
a hero of mine
Haiku # 23582, November 27, 2002 4:13 am ET
by k
i agree...let's bomb
Iraq, buy large SUV's
and then rule the world

(or what's left of it)
Haiku # 23581, November 27, 2002 4:11 am ET
by k of Purrsian Golf
winter sun warms us
well into fall....a petri dish
for all to enjoy
Haiku # 23580, November 27, 2002 4:09 am ET
by k of san of no fricken' rain!
can't wait for turkey
stuffing and potatoes and
family torture....
Haiku # 23579, November 27, 2002 4:05 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
hey Marc...let's have an
intellectual debate
over this issue

Haiku # 23578, November 27, 2002 4:04 am ET
by k
blah blah bomb Iraq
blah blah blah we are good blah
blah America

Haiku # 23577, November 27, 2002 4:02 am ET
by k
thought processes - good
do we bomb all that is "bad"
and none of what's good
Haiku # 23576, November 27, 2002 12:59 am ET
by scotch of (i mean, we don't "n' sync" for instance, although i get bombed on occasion...)
Saddam Hussein - bad
Chemical, nuclear, war
Smack down on his a$$.
Haiku # 23575, November 26, 2002 6:00 pm ET
by Mark McGill
Encroachment, word thief-
Stop venting bad childhood here
Count backwards from ten.
Haiku # 23574, November 26, 2002 5:56 pm ET
by Mark McGill
Haiku, bold effort.
Smell the stinch of failure now.
Hot Chocolate - Good.
Haiku # 23573, November 26, 2002 5:52 pm ET
by Mark McGill
can't stand M & M
though he's gone really quite far
on little talent
Haiku # 23572, November 26, 2002 4:30 pm ET
by ...sheesh, no accounting for American's taste!
like I said...eminem
impressions, do they improve
"ditziness" or just release steam?
Haiku # 23571, November 26, 2002 4:00 pm ET
by Mox
oh, and by the way
k? refreshing talent here
one of two or three
Haiku # 23570, November 26, 2002 3:29 pm ET
by ...for sure
must agree with k
"some internet ditz" sad case...
I.Q. 45?
Haiku # 23569, November 26, 2002 3:28 pm ET
by ...maybe
why is k doing the eminem so and
so is such and such thing?
Haiku # 23568, November 26, 2002 3:28 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
There is a lot to
say about wasting talents
or burying them
Haiku # 23567, November 26, 2002 3:27 pm ET
by Mox
unrefreshingly set yourself up
like a bowling pin
Haiku # 23566, November 26, 2002 2:17 pm ET
by k
some chick...I think you
get a hard time because you're
Haiku # 23565, November 26, 2002 2:16 pm ET
by k
donut shop robbed, cops
raised questions, owner's face glazed
story full of holes
Haiku # 23564, November 26, 2002 12:47 pm ET
by onjaysun
This is bad haiku
Counting five and seven syl's
Haiku # 23563, November 26, 2002 8:58 am ET
by R. of PT
Maybe it's better
not knowing who each one is -
But maybe it's not
Haiku # 23562, November 26, 2002 8:53 am ET
by R. of PT
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