mmm penis penis
mmm penis penis penis
mmm penis penis
by david grime of david grime
haikus limited
to 1000 characters
those would be big words
by king of nipples
This is forgery.
These words are someone else's.
I'm a big fat thief.
by Censor sensor of Monrovia, SC
i don't come to class
i was at the hospital
you want a apple?
by max of max
kissing cousins are
my cousins (they're taiwanese)
i never kiss them
by optional of optional
The TV is loud.
It makes my thinking come slow.
"Come slow" sounds perverse.
by Censor sensor of Monrovia, SC
I know my last name.
It rhymes, I believe at least,
with the phrase "Blue Cyst."
by Censor sensor of Monrovia, SC
banging and banging
do you in the doggie way
say you love my cock
by Leon Phelps of St. Louis
It's funny how time
can reduce great lovers to
a stain on my couch
by Betty LeBomb
Guaging a piercing
To make small hole now bigger
It's throbbing fire.
by WyldKyss
quelle c
by Anonymous Poet
et votre haiku stupide aussi!
by Anonymous Poet
Va te faire foutre levez l'
by Anonymous Poet
De petites vacances
by Janis
A day in Venice
It took me but a minute
To get me some tweed
by Janis
Andrew McCarthy =
unattractive as they come
I'd have picked Duckie!
by Sexy Chicken of Funkytown. FK
amoeba of love
show a little affection
'cos it's all you've got
by ash
anonymous grump
don't insult my synapses
noting the plural
by ash
i suffer daily,
oh until when i dont know
i want to scream now.
by only hope
why are we joined now,
when love has flown away high
too far to get back.
by only hope
this is too much pain.
i want to get out but cannot
beloved will hurt.
by only hope
wrestler lifts the Rock
and when he slams down, we all
cheer for him to die
by wrest ler fan
yesterday's paper
in the next seat, no one there---
the train picks up speed....
by De Railed
but seriously,
this site is good for those with
only one brain cell.....
by Anonymous Poet
the ladies of Reny's
a store in Camden, Maine
told me I couldn't have a bag.
it's odd, because some people
like to have fun with other's
by Moxie
sub-standard language
only becouse i been' fucked
go fuck the puryears
by {sic]soma
that previopus poem
was a something "un-called" for
sorry for my shit
by [sic]soma
you fuckers are sluts
thinkning you can make poems
you aint no poet'
by Anonymous Poet
some of us dislike
this site for it's lack of respect and
general attitude
by Anonymous Poet
some of us dislike
mox for his lack of respect;
this sites simple rules.
by Anonymous Poet
in the necessary tune
of the scapegoat
go find another game
by Moxie
No one visible up ahead,
no one approaches
from behind.
Not a footprint on the road.
Am l alone?
This much is clear--
the path the ancient
poets opened
is choked with brush,
and I've long since left
the public thoroughfare.
by Dharmakirti
Stag and doe
hard short lives
ranging the forest for
water and grass
they don't
betray each other they're
till death
by Anonymous Poet
moxie is the puck
in our ice-hockey game
without him, no game
by Anonymous Poet
if i could just be
serious for a minute,
america is suck.
by LANce STORm's CHEERios
choking on a cig
indigestion has set in
i stole a lover's memory
and he hates me now
by mox brathwaite of brooklyn, ny
What the dilly yo?
Does everyone hate Moxie?
I don't come here much
by JD
anywhere but this lame ass site.....
by Anonymous Poet
where is the party?
where are all the old posters
posting these days, huh?
by Anonymous Poet
moxie has done it,
this time he has truly killed
this bad haiku site
by Anonymous Poet
FUCK OFFFFFF!!!!!! moxie!!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
I guess I'll have a
the world is full of
dramas, terrors, one ways or
many, but still all
individual, "wrong or right"
by Moxie
Out here in the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned
I'll tell you about Texas radio and the big beat
Soft driven, slow and mad
by ComiCat of Jerzey
But I tell you this, man, I tell you this
I don't know what's gonna happen, man, but I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames - Alright!
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Malkovich, Malkov-?
Malkovich, Malkovich, Mal-
Ah, yes, Malkovich...
by ComiCat of Jerzey
why taste the real blood
fear gives us plenty fluids
that taste like my heart
by ciax of to
bird with beautiful
thighs, ugly crow otherwise,
eye to eye, we pause
by bird lover
and on the t.v.
lexx (second and third series)
were entertaining
by ash
el duderino
that was one funny movie
the coens are cool
in my opinion
the works of robert altman
deserve applause too
by ash