Emptiness of mind
Winds blow down blank corridors
Why is nothing there?
by andrew
Alright - who did it?
crumpled mass of square paper
Holy shit! Meltdown!
by hugh
A mil only buys
my neighbor in lingerie...
And I should get out?
by hugh@random
I try to use web,
but Gates is a jerk, I get
four oh four error
by hugh
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
this is quite crappy.
by hugh
Bloody computer
fucked up my last haiku, so
I shat over it.
by hugh
In the meanwhile
by indiana
eine kleine nachtmusik
a beautiful serenade
to one who
by indiana
mox you've been there right
please tell us what our pal is
...going through right now
..(you've been really there,
..........haven't you?)
by ronin@undifferentiatedthen8)
A big mountain stands
Stoic and cold against all tides
It will never move
by jewel1
A comical twist
To be given so much life
when death is wished for
by jewel1lestwebeaccused... =)
........the truth is i think
that he just wants to have fun
.....but at whose expense!
by ronin@hemustbeboredandmean
try to understand
the source of that bile, itself
a bottomless pit
by jewel1-it'lhaveafielddaythenteehee
........come tothink of it
he has not done much poems
.....but merely spews bile
by ronin@uhhuh
Tread so carefully
On deceitful still waters
I hear the tick tock
by jewel1
...incessant postings
of indiscernible poems
..become the retard
by ronin@>>)
Far, wide one searches
Checking every long minute
It yearns for Mox!!
by jewel1listen2thisroninandindy
..a catatonic's
.innate inability
to communicate?
by ronin@loveistheanswerandhethinksihavetakenitawayfromhimbuttheresstillmoxie
Blank bullets bang loud
an unguided energy
blasting everyone
by jewel1
......tacit admission
of a forgone conclusion
.....iterates the fact
by ronin@ahyes
an intricate knot
is difficult to loosen
when tied to a post
by indiana
The torment of men
of unspent hostility
eternally springs
by jewel1-iwonderwhy
Casting baits for YOU
the pregnant silence tacit
A disturbed spirit
by jewel1
........unresolved trauma
such as in post-childhood stress
.........disorder triggered
............aggravated by
.....same or like catalysts can
.............be aberrating
by herr dr. ronin@inhislabcoat
...what type could he be:
..obsessive-compulsive or
......borderline schizoid?
(perhaps mox could suggest)
by ronin@antisocialpscychopathperhaps?
so what have we here...
..a defense mechanism
...akin to madness?
by ronin@quiteaninsightreally
..the long wait's over
i have attained nirvana
.....and thus pxp!!!
by ronin 2 indy@armagedonhasbegun(isitwithadoublegord)
black flamingo tongue
considered delicacy
by more than just some
by Sappho...tastes like chicken?
hopalong ashley
maybe prickly and downcast
crutches worry some
green green grass of home
fresh air circulating there
O to be crutchless
by mellie
one foot for six weeks
feeling like a flamingo
or long john silver
by ash
cuneiform break
gives my scratchings a wedgie
bring me the tablets
by ash
silly old moxie
the dirtier the better
or simply witty
by mellie