Blank bullets bang loud
an unguided energy
blasting everyone
by jewel1
......tacit admission
of a forgone conclusion
.....iterates the fact
by ronin@ahyes
an intricate knot
is difficult to loosen
when tied to a post
by indiana
The torment of men
of unspent hostility
eternally springs
by jewel1-iwonderwhy
Casting baits for YOU
the pregnant silence tacit
A disturbed spirit
by jewel1
........unresolved trauma
such as in post-childhood stress
.........disorder triggered
............aggravated by
.....same or like catalysts can aberrating
by herr dr. ronin@inhislabcoat
...what type could he be:
..obsessive-compulsive or
......borderline schizoid?
(perhaps mox could suggest)
by ronin@antisocialpscychopathperhaps?
so what have we here...
..a defense mechanism
...akin to madness?
by ronin@quiteaninsightreally
..the long wait's over
i have attained nirvana
.....and thus pxp!!!
by ronin 2 indy@armagedonhasbegun(isitwithadoublegord)
black flamingo tongue
considered delicacy
by more than just some
by Sappho...tastes like chicken?
hopalong ashley
maybe prickly and downcast
crutches worry some
green green grass of home
fresh air circulating there
O to be crutchless
by mellie
one foot for six weeks
feeling like a flamingo
or long john silver
by ash
cuneiform break
gives my scratchings a wedgie
bring me the tablets
by ash
silly old moxie
the dirtier the better
or simply witty
by mellie
Real poetry when you forget yourself
work with me and we shall soon see
how much better the "haikus" can be
when you all clean up this site
i'll come back when ready
by moxie
spam spam spam spam spam,
egg spam spam bacon bean spam
but I don't like spam!
by Scharmers
.......AP is either
a delinquent juvenile
...or a mean senile
.......might help)
by ronin@>)
bold bonfire of dawn
sweeps aside the ashy night
clears new hearth for day
by Lolita's sister
popular vices
haiku writing on the wall
graffiti wisdoms
by Lolita misses ash
haiku killing time
waiting for the rich old man
my sugar daddy
by Lolita misses ash
the blues are so good
but I prefer the red ones
and the pink ones too
by Lolita
a-non-y-mouse and
a-non-y-moose lived by the
deep sea...together
by an observer...forgot a beat
a-non-y-mouse and
a-non-y-moose lived by the
by an observer...such a strange pair they did make