Hey! Man! You're disres-
keep 'em seperat-
by k_against_everyone
"I may not be a smart man but, I do know how to type words on a computer..."
What's this about bad
times, they run out sooner than you
think... A beer can help.
by Moxie
so life isn't a
grid system? Does that mean it's
just non-linear?
by Zippy of listening to the lounge version of the Dead Kennedy's "Holiday in Cambodia" Pol Pot! Pol Pot! (strings and tambourine accompany)
somehow, while beaten
down in the worst trough of bad luck
i got a boyfriend
by k_against_believing _in_it_all_happens_for_a_reason
unemployment is
going to run out soon, my
luck just isn't good
by k_against_sunshine of when it rains it pours
went to traffic court
and to my surprise, the young
asshole cop filed
the paperwork on my
case. Charges not dismissed! I'm
pleading NOT GUILTY!
by k_against_the_police of all for a left turn at 4:05 in a 4-6pm no left turn zone...cops suck!
the dark goddess is
on the prowl looking for a
few good dark times!
by Moxie
new day dawns here
waited up for my bad girl
she danced her butt off
by mellie
i like my women
the way i like my coffee -
i'm out of coffee
by scott in 2D
i like my women
the way i like my coffee
cold, black and bitter
by scott in 2D (not original, but a good one - and I can't believe it's haiku!)
Coffee covers me
on the inside, tip of tongue
to black tarry heart
by Betty LeBomb
walking down revolution
people harass me
no soy un gringo
by dino of san diego/tijuana,mexico
some family joules
elevate inherent mood
currently lacking
by ash
Increase the voltage
The current will also flow
Ohm's consequences
by Barry of Dublin
Here they come again
The killer peas attack us
There is no escape
by Barry of Dublin
This place should be on
fire, creative voices lighting
up the hot worlds here
by Ijaci
Rubbers a flying
High tension dying and in
its place, bull shit.
by Dr. Claw
man, I must like abuse!!!
:P...to play the game
is to add ammo to a rut
by Moxie
Shakes head...
Some other time...
by Moxie
things are looking up
newtonian reflector
collecting photons
by ash
full saturn ascends
heavenly body rising
astronomers gasp
by ash
what's up with the doc?
lost his masterful control?
shocking haiku ash, eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!!!
by mellie, :-)
( too few syllables
but still satisfying to just say )
by k_against_
electroconvulsive therapy
has too many syllables
but the right impact
it isn't haiku
but it is therapeutic
(no extra charge)
by ash
Has B.O.
Swamp mist, eyes water
by Two Haiku by Basho
Ah, S.O.B._
A yellow snake eats
The robin's lone precious egg
by Two Haiku by Basho
weird that the submit
script didn't allow this when
I tried it before
by k of i tried this yesterday and received an error...figured janis had written filters, so i withdraw my congratulations but am secret
I often feel strange
like an animal up a
tree, or a painting.
by k
at least my scrabble
abilities improved with
all of this free time
by k_against
it makes you sleepy
and has too much fat, gravy
only makes it worse
by k_against_turkey