Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 62 Days and 77460 Haiku later...

A cake divided
Which one is bigger, I muse
either one looks fine
Haiku # 14973, September 27, 2001 9:55 am ET
by jewel1
out in the mulga
where churches are few, rude men
ride nags in scanties
Haiku # 14972, September 27, 2001 9:27 am ET
by mellie
Each morning I wake
time surreal, the crazy schedule
then silence, complete
Haiku # 14971, September 27, 2001 8:41 am ET
by jewel1
Racing far beyond
Never looking back again
Not looking forward
Haiku # 14970, September 27, 2001 8:38 am ET
by jewel1
a song in the wind
reaches deep within my heart
and a stab of pain

(hi ronin)
Haiku # 14969, September 27, 2001 8:36 am ET
by jewel1

....................shoot, i mean: f5!!!
Haiku # 14968, September 27, 2001 8:22 am ET
by ronin

Haiku # 14967, September 27, 2001 8:21 am ET
by ronin
.(0) (0)

Haiku # 14966, September 27, 2001 8:16 am ET
by ronin

....a light evening breeze softly lifts the firefly
.......up above the sky

(better than nothing, which
..quite describes bool-s 8)
Haiku # 14965, September 27, 2001 8:11 am ET
by ronin

ahhh, peace and quiet
..conducive to poetry
...and wan reflection
Haiku # 14964, September 27, 2001 8:07 am ET
by ronin

........mellie's not herself
i think, somewhat lacking her
..........usual vamp elan
Haiku # 14963, September 27, 2001 7:56 am ET
by ronin@

.........interesting, AP
you must have done lots of it the mental ward

(like when you did time there)
Haiku # 14962, September 27, 2001 7:52 am ET
by ronin@isayyou'reimprovingexcellently
............(vile haiku) sounds more like poo
something like a piece of shit
.........a likely shithead

..(an unconceding shithead!)

Haiku # 14961, September 27, 2001 7:47 am ET
by ronin@
i think the pope is
catholic, and ducks do swim
realbadhaiku, mel
Haiku # 14960, September 27, 2001 5:50 am ET
by coming soon
yeah pigs might fly
is the pope a catholic?
and can a duck swim?

pull the other one
slap on a bandaid perhaps
and kiss it better
Haiku # 14959, September 27, 2001 4:36 am ET
by mellie
on realbadhaiku
you'll be able to block these
posters of drivel...
Haiku # 14958, September 27, 2001 3:36 am ET
by coming soon
what cha gonna do
when the gamma rays come for
you moxie or lee

would almost be worth it
Haiku # 14957, September 27, 2001 3:25 am ET
by savage universe
giant gamma ray
bursts, one hundred light year
blast radius....ouch!

neutron double stars,
many pairs of which are close
to solar system
Haiku # 14956, September 27, 2001 3:22 am ET
by where ya gonna hide?
|_ _|
n (O O) n
H _|_/|_ H
nHnn/ ___/

__/| |/__/
Haiku # 14955, September 27, 2001 3:09 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
( v )
Haiku # 14954, September 27, 2001 3:08 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
( v )
Haiku # 14953, September 27, 2001 3:07 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Need to write paper
Procrastinate with poems
Damn the internet
Haiku # 14952, September 27, 2001 1:53 am ET
by VitaminR
<( )>
,, J L,,
Haiku # 14951, September 27, 2001 1:31 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
and the score so far
terrorism six thousand
forces of good nil

keep tuned for more war
good triumphs over evil
and the curtain falls

meanwhile, far away
recalcitrant ex-allies
won't follow the script
Haiku # 14950, September 26, 2001 10:34 pm ET
by ash
Haiku # 14949, September 26, 2001 9:38 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
( )*( )
O o O
o 0 o
O 0 O
Haiku # 14948, September 26, 2001 9:38 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
crap that didn't work!
Haiku # 14947, September 26, 2001 9:35 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
( )*( )
O o O
o 0 o
O 0 O
Haiku # 14946, September 26, 2001 9:34 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
fight ordered chaos,
jingoist's propaganda,
with love's harmony

fight death with life, don't
feed it or it bites the hand,
consumes the sucker

fight its destruction
with re-creation, there is
plenty to disclose.
Haiku # 14945, September 26, 2001 6:17 pm ET
by unconceding of boo interruption of
post diarrea
left ronin empty of his
own exposition
Haiku # 14944, September 26, 2001 6:14 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet

hi! (boo, is full of bull manure)
Haiku # 14943, September 26, 2001 6:06 pm ET
by ronin
Hilansi poochsi digzi
Pilantro bistno roogsil
Hocksi loogzie
Haiku # 14942, September 26, 2001 6:06 pm ET
by Bjorg of Sweden
Yes I agree with the good doctor.
Haiku # 14941, September 26, 2001 6:02 pm ET
by Fellow Narrator
Ok, for the last time:
Please, please if possible
DONT WRITE 100 poems in a row
That isnt the point of this site,
if you do do it...make sure its at least
SOMEWHAT interesting.
Haiku # 14940, September 26, 2001 6:01 pm ET
by Dr. Claw
no guv good as ours!?
which bought corruption into
all others world wide!
Haiku # 14939, September 26, 2001 4:31 pm ET
by flip ant
how'd we do it to
ourselves - cheney took all that
knowledge to his grave.
Haiku # 14938, September 26, 2001 4:29 pm ET
by flip ant
none of the panic
buttons pushed, stewardesses
knifed to force pilots

out of the cockpits?
but no first response given?
we're asked to believe!
Haiku # 14937, September 26, 2001 4:28 pm ET
by flip ant
season opener
of Frazier, excellantay!
gold in writer's mind.
Haiku # 14936, September 26, 2001 4:26 pm ET
by MissEverything
Lee/Mox i am sure
has fur on his feet as well
as his little palms

ya little hobbit wanker!
Haiku # 14935, September 26, 2001 4:12 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
fight its destruction
with re-creation. there is
plenty to disclose.
Haiku # 14934, September 26, 2001 4:06 pm ET
by unconceding
oh, ronin's a sucker
to my sassy spit, meant to
include you, you shit!
Haiku # 14933, September 26, 2001 4:04 pm ET
by boo
fight death with life, don't
feed it or it bites the hand
consumes the sucker.
Haiku # 14932, September 26, 2001 4:03 pm ET
by unconceding
fight ordered chaos,
jingoist's propaganda
with love's harmony
Haiku # 14931, September 26, 2001 4:02 pm ET
by unconceding
when one is humbled
my lords and ladies
one gets up and thanks creation
Haiku # 14930, September 26, 2001 1:03 pm ET
by Lee
nah, I am still
alive and as ever
still alive
Haiku # 14929, September 26, 2001 1:01 pm ET
by Lee
this war is over
empty sheath, lee is humbled
does hara-kiri

(please don
Haiku # 14928, September 26, 2001 12:56 pm ET
by indiana
why masterless?
why is a samurai
without a sword?
Haiku # 14927, September 26, 2001 12:37 pm ET
by Lee
i was talking to a wiccan friend
about this place, he said leave
and enter a circle of truth
Haiku # 14926, September 26, 2001 12:33 pm ET
by Lee
I'm a guy
Haiku # 14925, September 26, 2001 12:33 pm ET
by Lee

what shameful act?

Haiku # 14924, September 26, 2001 12:33 pm ET
by ronin
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