Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 64 Days and 77460 Haiku later...

this is foolish, scott?
now this civil war with each other
this war we cannot win
I fear is that final time...
It's like cancer on the Earth almost
Haiku # 13776, September 17, 2001 7:37 pm ET
by Moxie
There are three kinds of people in the world;
those who understand mathematics
and those who don't.!
Haiku # 13775, September 17, 2001 7:36 pm ET
by moxie
to, Disneyland!
yes, with the new kill moxie ride
we can dismember someone we all hate
we also have a new shooting gallery with
past tyrants including...
Haiku # 13774, September 17, 2001 7:36 pm ET
by Moxie
hey, if you're going to take me out
i might as well take you with me
it serves you right
Haiku # 13773, September 17, 2001 7:35 pm ET
by Moxie
actually mom is an EMT
Haiku # 13772, September 17, 2001 7:34 pm ET
by Moxie
Well, haikus should be
as flexible as nature
not as aestheitc fundamentalism
Haiku # 13771, September 17, 2001 7:33 pm ET
by Moxie
Mox's mom tried to
save us....his bath toys??? a blender
and a radio
Haiku # 13770, September 17, 2001 7:33 pm ET
by hush hush sweet moxie
oh, ahem

glub, glub, glub...
Haiku # 13769, September 17, 2001 7:32 pm ET
by Moxie
i stand defiant
i will go to war on this
my count was correct
Haiku # 13768, September 17, 2001 7:32 pm ET
by scott (what was your beef with #13727, k?)
we go to war in masse
we hate each other, en masse
masse self occur, we kill ourselves
en masse for the good of Leviathan
Haiku # 13766, September 17, 2001 7:30 pm ET
by Moxie
What do you throw to
a drowning Moxie? His wife, kids,
parents and his friend....
Haiku # 13765, September 17, 2001 7:29 pm ET
by on the high seas
Public opinion is
often the executioner, jury
and judge. One mass person
Haiku # 13764, September 17, 2001 7:29 pm ET
by Moxie
when I was offline in
this self war, I could
build up those I loved
and, I am sorry to tear you down
in "selfish" defense...
Haiku # 13763, September 17, 2001 7:27 pm ET
by Moxie
The towers collapse in one
big rush, and if I am self serving, work
around, with, not against...

I wish to teach, and learn, not destroy
Haiku # 13762, September 17, 2001 7:26 pm ET
by Moxie
Life is a breath eternal
worth every moment
the dis urban, is worth nothing
there are no stars to see anymore
Haiku # 13761, September 17, 2001 7:24 pm ET
by Moxie
well, finally.
good, say what you mean
if you mean
"kill me"
Haiku # 13760, September 17, 2001 7:23 pm ET
by Moxie
I see many of you this way
the cool crowd who singles out
the "person who doesn't fit in"
they move on, and the same people
wonder how the hell the nobody
became someone...

and so it goes, we all have a purpose
Haiku # 13759, September 17, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by Moxie
be nice to us by
counting, you dis us all by
acting as you do

i have stood back from
your tormenters till now I am
sick of you as well
Haiku # 13758, September 17, 2001 7:21 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
My God...will you ever
see me in any good light
ever? Or what?

this place gets too personal at times
and I take it too personally at times.
Finger pointing is a fun hobby
Haiku # 13757, September 17, 2001 7:20 pm ET
by Moxie
the group of kids
hanging together leaving some
little person out
like Afghanastan
and he lashes out in the era of violence
takes his own life
and the birds who put him there,
say, "see" I told you so
Haiku # 13756, September 17, 2001 7:18 pm ET
by Moxie
Well, little dorks
have a way
of proving the school yard bully
something else
Haiku # 13755, September 17, 2001 7:17 pm ET
by Moxie
your time will come
my time will come
I won't know when
neither will you
death sucks
be nice to each other,
Haiku # 13754, September 17, 2001 7:15 pm ET
by Moxie
idiotic, self
serving crap, we see you through
those words => little dork

your towers fell long
ago mox, and trolishly you
hide under the bridge
Haiku # 13753, September 17, 2001 7:15 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
"so and so is a"
such and such is a
this and that you stupid
the whole thing needs to go to hell
Haiku # 13752, September 17, 2001 7:13 pm ET
by Moxoe
I take your words...
to heart...that is why
I react as I do...
maybe you are full of crap
I don't know...when
i feel like that you should
well, mean it

Confidence is animal self defense against
the blind power seeker's lust
Haiku # 13751, September 17, 2001 7:11 pm ET
by Moxie
Should you not act
on your words, bind the oath?
In blood? Every idle word I say
will damn me, or save me
forget death in this life
Haiku # 13750, September 17, 2001 7:09 pm ET
by Moxie
turn your hate into
art! Don't give into the dork side
of the force, write!
Haiku # 13749, September 17, 2001 7:07 pm ET
by Moxie
I am willing to die for a higher cause than this
if this is your higher cause, what are those priorities
the drugs, the sex? nothing, is it?
Haiku # 13748, September 17, 2001 7:06 pm ET
by Moxie
well, if I'm meant to die
I might as well relish all the details,
garotte or 45?
bullet, or sharf knife?
drive by or drive over?
Seems kind of stupid to go to extremes over
some idiot in maine who thinks he's a great poet
Haiku # 13747, September 17, 2001 7:05 pm ET
by Moxie
Well, it's still blind bro
people kill each other over shoes
why should I be surprised?
Haiku # 13746, September 17, 2001 7:02 pm ET
by Moxie
I would not harm a hair on anyone here
Haiku # 13745, September 17, 2001 7:01 pm ET
by Moxie
you would really literally take my life
over stuff I posted here?
Haiku # 13744, September 17, 2001 7:00 pm ET
by Moxie
Huh, as we stick flag
stickers to our cars, and
wave the salute, when will
it break down into name calling
again? America not eating itself
is a nice change
Haiku # 13743, September 17, 2001 7:00 pm ET
by Mox
really we only
want to murder you Moxie;
killer of haiku
Haiku # 13742, September 17, 2001 6:59 pm ET
by Anonymoose
Ok, here's the bottom line
what is drivel and what is good
"bad poetry" and why all the hosility all
this time?
Haiku # 13741, September 17, 2001 6:58 pm ET
by Moxie
If we tell each one
to square off over trivia?
we are Orangemen vs. the IRA
Isreal vs. Palestine
We both kill each other in the end
Haiku # 13740, September 17, 2001 6:57 pm ET
by Moxie
well, Osama needed an
enemy, didn't he, and
he gave us the big "fuck off"
didn't he? Think twice
Haiku # 13739, September 17, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by Mox
fuck off Moxie
Haiku # 13738, September 17, 2001 6:14 pm ET
by tired of this crap of pox on the mox
jesus christ moxie
more fuckin' stupid drivel
at least fuckin' try
Haiku # 13737, September 17, 2001 6:12 pm ET
by ap
...and all are our neighbors in this...
is this little Vietnam and it's deep wounds?
America got back together again
and I hope it stays
Haiku # 13736, September 17, 2001 6:02 pm ET
by Mox
osama been laid?
bastard should have gotten laid.
it takes the edge off.
Haiku # 13735, September 17, 2001 6:01 pm ET
by ap
If Reagan was silent
is that great communication?
My judgement is still
out, Republican I am
Haiku # 13734, September 17, 2001 6:01 pm ET
by Mox
Well, we look at our
fathers past sins and the innocent?
Pay for it? what the hell?

An older couple reminds me of
my grandparents, that died
we can take sides

blame falls on many
but there are no returns
Haiku # 13733, September 17, 2001 6:00 pm ET
by Moxie
"If you don't learn from
history, you repeat it!":
poli sci adage...

but for poli sci
to be science - theory must
be repeatable!

therefore poli sci
must be applied ignorance
to maintain purpose.
Haiku # 13732, September 17, 2001 5:53 pm ET
by GozinyaPapa
there are two ways to
orchestrate terrorism,
the third world cold war.

be in the same back
room, or be in seperate
back rooms, smoking out.
Haiku # 13731, September 17, 2001 5:48 pm ET
by unconceding
in either, you take
sides, presume victory
support its pretense

trade in fear, so their
people and yours fall to play
follow the leader.
Haiku # 13730, September 17, 2001 5:45 pm ET
by unconceding
Not that it matters
but Scott needs to count all his
syllables again.

It was a really
good point he had, but he did
slam ash for it once.
Haiku # 13729, September 17, 2001 5:41 pm ET
by k_against_miscounted_syllables_submitted by others_who_count them_in_other_posts of (see #13727) I hate to be the one who has to do this but...
we trained osama
no conspiracy theory
we make enemies

(in both senses of the word...we armed Iraq, remember?)
Haiku # 13728, September 17, 2001 4:48 pm ET
by scott
it's not pearl harbor
it's not a war we can win
it's the middle east
Haiku # 13727, September 17, 2001 4:30 pm ET
by scott (i hate to be defeatist, but look at history)
Flight 93 we
hear wasn't shot down: voted
to rush hi-jackers

the popular count
was: let the plane crash killing
that dubya bastard!

the high court was called:
"stop the count, go rush
the pilot's cabin."
Haiku # 13726, September 17, 2001 4:11 pm ET
by high and mighty
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