Do not believe them.
Monsters are more real than you.
Now do your homework.
by Anonymous Poet
Do not eat gluten.
Else your penis will fly off.
Just like a rocket.
by Anonymous Poet
april fooled with march
now one has to pay child
support around may
by 218
It is all we want.
Tiny shiny vaginy.
Or a big huge cock.
by Sentient Spam Bot
Huge rice crispy treat.
Appetizer for pizza.
She ate the whole pie.
by Anonymous Poet
Kill the human race.
Booger flavored jelly beans.
That's the reason why.
by Anonymous Poet
Yo' momma so poor
she loads badhaiku dot com
to get the free SPAM.
by Anonymous Poet
the cool sweat-
by T-Trees of Colorado
halloween party-
giving out bags of gummies
shaped like dicks
by T-Trees of Colorado
what she calls
sex juice
by T-Trees of Colorado
afterward a long
mouth pube
by T-Trees of Boulder, CO
in my teeth
a long pube
by TFB of Boulder
it's state elections
the politicians will win
grandma has a cock
by ash
buy my boner pills
otherwise you can get fucked
rather flaccidly
by ash
well Alvin Toffler
and his future shock and we're
all still being shocked :)
by 218
fuck renovation
the end results will be great
but the process sucks
by ash
the random hellos
post themselves here like the trash
on an empty street
by 218
The home of a nut
Torn down to erase the dead
How we deny pain
by 218
If we can't balance
The budget or clear living space
I'll just fight this spam
by Anonymous Poet
exploring the basics
of life, trying to find the
place in the wide world
by 218
if it is at all
possible, wonders if the spam
can go away
by 218
Fat frogs like to sing.
Fat frogs eat fat mosquitoes.
Beavis does not care.
by Anonymous Poet
i have spent all day
on line wasting much of my
life for many years
by Anonymous Poet
wow these people are
too dignified to even
say bless you when i
by 218
i can't post all of
the haikus now, 218
is just a number
by 218
Deep in buzzing mind
Returning to the blank peace
Reclaiming the whole
by leslie of Canada
well i want to add
some haiku folks here to push
spam off of the site
by 218
i find myself on
the same places here and there
real life, work, and home
by 218
i am wondering
if slavoj zizek is posting
here as someone
by 218
well it used to be
the new media in check
with the old and now
it is the tool of
so many divergent forces
gone mad on world scene
by 218
in 20 years what will
the historians say on
all this porn we watch
by 218
it's become more of
a dadaist commentary
of what the net has
turned into
by 218
the on going storm
of social gatherings place
time name and stamp date
by 218
was here before
by me of here
too much, too little
too late, too early over
and over again
by 218
Eat the pudding pops.
They look like Bill Cosby's Shlong.
The girls know that's true.
by Anonymous Poet
Why they write "Hello!"
I will never comprehend.
Google likes manners?
by Anonymous Poet
This site's more splattered
than a blonde actress' face
when auditioning.
Sadly these are scams.
No wives will be satisfied
but the mob boss'.
by Anonymous Poet
For that matter is
It the Russian mob spamming
This site for money
by 218
Any latst requests asked
A martini, cigar
And a cheeseburger
by 218
Is any spot safe
From the roving eye of big
Data, or BFD?
by 218
Using tobacco
Buried my aunt, and it may
Kill me, yet I do
by 218
Any subculture you meet
Hardcore set, hangers on and
by 218
We forget the child's
Innocence, party, sin, then
Have kids of our own
Go on to bake cookies
by 218
One way of life gives
Way to another folks die
Babies born and its
All been said and its
Gonna be said over and
So on and so forth
by 218
Wired to the world
Of mind control play, 5 years
Later, golf and bridge
by 218
The internet used
To be that thing hipsters and
Nerds had much fun on
Now what, CNN
Boner pills, Google, and no
More paper irs
by 218
Was on a collar
Making website, spam spam spam
But sexy collars
by curiousdrone
I find spam splattered
All over the place here, so as
Bad as my stuff is
Here goes
by curiousdrone
Sooner or later
The subtle gift emerges
A welcome surprise
by Anonymous Poet