I'm only half done
why is the bank always closed
I need to go pee
by Anonymous Poet
and in walks a nun
how many bombs can we buy
i like braum's ice cream
by Anonymous Poet
I need more money
the biggest known prime will do
pi buys a coffee
by Anonymous Poet
now we should say this
suffleupagus ball hairs
better than "hello"
by Anonymous Poet
i don't unerstand
why they always say hello
we need a new one
by Anonymous Poet
fill it with nonsense
the Japanese eat it up
periods are dumb
by Anonymous Poet
get rid of the spam
a brand new can opener
recycle that shit
by Anonymous Poet
someone please stop me
there's a fly that I must kill
my butt is tired
by Anonymous Poet
my wiener is small
what popsicles do you like
gutters overflow
by Anonymous Poet
bar codes on produce
genetically modified
born with a tattoo
by Anonymous Poet
turbulent water
and other ginormous words
et cetera poop.
by Anonymous Poet
here's another five
checkout line conversations
ugly blue leg veins
by Anonymous Poet
old people fall down
I like to eat calcium
give me all the gold
by Anonymous Poet
two standard deviations
what a big canyon
by Anonymous Poet
here comes the money
I'm going to keep it all
chimpanzees eat fruit
by Anonymous Poet
fuck fuck! *in the wind*
she can make the biggest queefs
beep goes the cell phone
by Anonymous Poet
ash and vhs
tall trees blowing the wind
tires spin around
by Anonymous Poet
i forgot my thoughts
she wants a brand new penis
the running shoes talk
by Anonymous Poet
i don't believe you
fishing for change in sofas
she is pure evil
by Anonymous Poet
but does she love him
decipher the secret code
bell bottoms are dumb
by Anonymous Poet
cavernous twat hole
barney the dinosaur swims
animal crackers
by Anonymous Poet
milf toast perky boobs
chairs are things that we sit on
i don't like tattoos
by Anonymous Poet
calculus is fun
i like to have lots of cash
flowers drinking rain
by Anonymous Poet
"oh shit" she exclaimed.
the coffee is getting cold
wicker baskets full
by Anonymous Poet
wobbly table
seven more silly bull dykes
it's almost logic
by Anonymous Poet
Green donkey penis.
My little pony magic.
Incomplete sentence.
by Anonymous Poet
Spectacular stench
follows wherever he goes
Fabulous stink beast
by Cardboard eating donkey
Sorry butt! Yes you are!
You are a fat sweaty ass!
A big sorry ass!
by Plucking your dingleberries with pliers.
should rest assured
the sweat beneath my scrotum
shall fully anoint
by Lush
lampshade chenowith
redacted champagne passion
bally harrumph skit
by Lush
whilst Scott Tenorman
remains my hero complete
sean hosts freak shows
by Lush
My grammar is so bad that I once got trapped down at the bottom of a good. -- Bo Burnham
by Anonymous Poet
Yup, I can not count
I can't spell too good either
Plus my grammar sucks
by Mandingo Ebola
And this one.
by Anonymous Poet
Goodbye Goodbye, OUT!
Be gone, go away, vamoose!
Spam is too fatty!
by Death to Spammers of terre haute federal correctional institution
Okay! Time for work.
I will drink lots of coffee.
Paid by your taxes.
"Coffee! Far sweeter than a thousand kisses." Or so says J. S. Bach in his opera Cafe Cantata.
by Thanks for the coffee!
VHS's folks
had a child before him:
VHS beta.
by I'm so punny!
The Green Solution:
Recycle the elderly.
In line VHS!
by Anonymous Poet
There is no breakdown.
If it don't work, it can't break.
Life! It's just stupid.
by Your Robot Overlord of Los Alamos National Laboratory
We see the breakdown
Of a life here but it is
Tragic to witness
by vhs
Fuck, now I can't count.
See what you did, Mandingo!
This is all your fault!
by Anonymous Poet
Get free date rape drugs.
With two orders of Cialis
get a free roofie!
by Anonymous Poet
You know what I like?
Raping pit bulls with parvo.
Better than ice cream.
by Anonymous Poet
Mandingo can't count.
Look at the second sentence.
There's eight syllables.
by Haiku Nazi Fart Breath
Payday pawn shop heist
Didn't get away with much loot,
but I learned to love
by Mandingo Ebola
Asking for trouble
While begging for forgiveness
Twisted up real good
by Anonymous Poet
Well, you say "hello".
But I say "goodbye", goodbye,
Goodbye and so on.
In hell the pill spammers will be afflicted with permanent erections and forced to have sex with Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, Opera Winfrey, and Osama Bin Laden non-stop.
by Anonymous Poet
I shave my balls too.
I sold my folks to Kenny.
And I ate my pubes.
by Darth Figpucker of waiting for next season
My balls are shaven.
I sold my pubes to Cartman.
I ate my parents.
by Scott Tennerman
Relevant events
Concerning pink elephants
What hope represents
by Croctadactyle