oh what tangled web
we weave when first we practice
to be wretched weave[r]
by to borrow a phrase
fuck your sunny sky
fuck your stupid nature walks
fuck you in general
by wretch weaver
bright blue sunny sky
short walk to collect the post-
mostly windy chill.
by mundane
Hail Hale Bop Comet
no anal probes required
just I'm outta here!
by pass the kool-aid
Hail Bop Comet cult
from Heaven's Gate awaits all
those drinking Kool-Aid
by lace my Nikes & beam me up
this planet is fucked
get me off this thing at once
aliens, come now
i'd even let them
anal probe me for airfare
just take me away
by wretch weaver
the thing about "mental"
cases is interesting
they stay in one spot
coughing, drinking tea
in the system, not going
anywhere, remind
you of someone? now
if I left would anyone
notice? no...they'd be...
"good riddance, he's nuts"
I did when someone else irl
died, schizo, but one
reminded me of his
humanity, but I hang
around...pray i kill
myself so you have
one less mental case, on here
leaving scrawls on here
by YS
Heart's like a bank vault
A fifty thousand pound safe
Chained and welded shut
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
I don't read the junk!
Pay no attention at all
I just skip straight past
The mental cases
by William Nippress
give me a man who
sees three hairs on his head and
says "I will braid them"
by Attitude is everything
there are jewels in
this dung heap hold your nose and
dig with the other
by Haiku half-wit
ride you like my luge
i know you are so inclined
and it's all downhill
by wookie for you
I get sick of stooping
down, or seeing it, just that old
malady, Gen X...
poo of ze toungue
by YS
what my erstwhile foe
does is takes some of the guff
off me and makes me
realize what a fool i've
been many times, which can say
maybe....I'm changing
by YS
your record is cracked
thus the song remains the same
zapoop's malady
by ash
between snow and cold
the immediate, the now
soon it will be bugs
the spring comes up and
so does the swat team of bug
spray, fly strips, swatters
by YS
between my own odd
violent tirades, and the
poop scoop bathroom scrawls
would real haiku now
ever be damned to the walls
of real life rest stops?
by YS
a snow covered pine
provides shelter from weather-
warmth in layered cold.
by mundane
It's beyond a joke
This dam snow has got to go
more tonight they say?
by William Nippress
We'll Tango the Crypt
and I will take Veronique
Meet Naterly There
Also Lidia
Marina and Shehiaro
"Love being a Man"!!!
by Anonymous Poet
Dam the Eurostar
Too cold to run? "Julia"
My Weekend canceled!
by William Nippress
men in uniform
zapooper the storm trooper
as gay as can be
by wookie for you
i'm glad you said "holes"
as in plural..so double
penetration goes
by thanks septic
want entertainment?
we'll drill holes on your PC
and let you fuck it
by vince
this site is worthless
like toilet stall graffiti
but not as funny
by Anonymous Poet
price for cup of joe
helps underpriveledged kids
get a cup of joe
by vince of coffee with guilt pls
oh those who seek that
control of money and faith
find their efforts naught
by YS
bad haiku gestalt
profane a touch daft fun and
fetishes abound
by under the haiku big top
bad haiku does not
matter when all that matters
is in this moment
by Haiku half-wit
haikus shifting sands
and slippery slopes we change
the rules on our whims
by strict form free form seventeen syllables more or less discourse or none one size fits all
glanced upon hillside
through a falling veil of snow-
single yellow leaf.
by mundane
like all I love rides
on that one act of getting
my life together
by YS
still putting off what
really needs to be done in
life that's pathetic...
by YS
like the interludes
you suck, loser, even those
dumb meditations...
but still, meditations
by YS
haiku in the moment
haiku in the future
haiku in the past...
it can be all things
to all people, which is why
no one is pleased here?
by YS
haikus can be what
ever the frak we want like
what is poetry?
the whole point of koan
in zen, to shut up hear the
waves. What about you?
by YS
history of birth
i am here on this planet
and that is the truth
by 2ez
you say correctly
haikus should not be discourse
then invite discourse
with haiku challenge
"history equals lies..prove
me wrong"..lies it is
by haikus are not discourse
Little interlude
I like the sentence "You suck"
I think it's funny
by You pick one
It's snowing again
Will I get to Julia?
Beautiful woman.
Will she or won't she?
She's coming from Germany
To Tango with me.
by William Nippress of Kisses so sweet
Surely not surly!
But I don't know? It still fits.
Although not context
by William Nippress
Haiku I believed?
Was an essence of pure thought?
Distilled to Haiku
No matter that this site is "Badhaiku" Surly the principle is the same it should not be a discourse? That is better done on The site "Wordsmith"?
by William Nippress
Killers ask question.
Am I human or dancer?
The answer? Neither.
Inspired by the song "Human" by The Killers
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
jung said to freud "ah
I think I'm a string tied well"
frued shook his cigar...
"I'm afreud not, ach
perhaps it is ze nike yes
archetype, issues
with ze mother, ya
wanting you to be a sprinter?
mythological, consheets..."
jung said "oh anima...
just do it!, I just want to
play schome tennis, ya?"
by YS
this site has it all
bulk psychopathology
and longevity
by ash
actually no me
it's me again, what can be
said but why waste time?
by YS to the BS
no i'm not stupid
who else could spew for this long
i'm just pathetic
by YS
but some groups will just
never be open, just file
by choice, and new schools
of art and literature
open from these when
bloomsburg grows grey
by YS
Will, it really does
offend me when he trashes you
you seek to dance
When I am at "war"
I am unforgiving, and
almost blind with rage
call it what you will...
ego of my own, old chip
it's hard to let go...
by YS
what do you see as
wise, smart, agreement, what do
you really want with
your paens to dance
your little writers clique and
a word published? gads
same here mates, me neither
by YS