quien escriben mierda
come este? estan enferma de mentes y sus madres corrieron
con los lobos pendejos!
by coma mierda y viva fidel
aah the familiar
dulcet tones of the mob's cries
you suck, bs you suck!
by theres no place like home theres no place like home
you failed
by Anonymous Poet
one hour and seven
minutes...the time it took you [bs]
to hightail it home
by we kept the light on for you
just when i thought i
was out, they pull me back in
there's no life out there
......this is my home
by bs
Where's all the ho's
and bitches? Nippress
and Ash ain't got 'em
cuz they's homosexual
by dabid
winner's circle..he
came in a winner and left
a winner....dude!!!! bs
by bs your one true fan
he always did think
outside the box..explains why
he never got twat
by requiem for a bs
I wish you the best
by bs your one true fan
i'll take the high road
a winner's life awaits me
adios losers
by bs
perhaps better to
fill up tablets with your rants
the tome of a loon
by hey hey na-na gooood-bye!!
is there NO EXIT bs?
is it possible you can't
leave virtual HELL?
picture the doorway?
you can do this...just walk through
never to return
....................buh bye!
by shall i leave or shall i go
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
who said I wanted to
fucking social network with
people i want to forget?
fucking internet 2
by bs
I must go right now
this nasty nihilism i have
to put on hold the
mill of retardation
has ground my real life time
to nothing at all
by bs
so I shall give you
the business end, for that is
the hobbesean bisexual
by bs
i want to hear him
moan unnh you suck, unnh unnh moan
you suckm you unnh...suuuuuckk!
by bs
who says I suck i
should like to see him in the back
of the warehouse
8 o clock tuesday
I'll pay you 20 bucks and maybe
you'll get some too
by bs
this must be the last
straw of the control of moods
the psychopath models
and moves on from place
to place never ending and never
knowing their moral place
no needle in the compass
by bs
you suck
by Anonymous Poet
i prefer now that
I see it these people who
grew up and their at
peace, desiring peace
haikus, not this total war
of all out bang in
the head loss of real
life stuff going on, this for
me is what it is
by bs
see saw see saw been
there before up is down and
down is up accept
by bs one true fan
so i would stop but
it might be something more in
my life going on
we wear down, we just
don't want to do it anymore
grave being peace
good bye, you know
that old temptation
i must be nuts
by bs
i really did want
to kill myself over all
the stuff on this place
by bs
the balance sustained
between chaos and order
universe in mo
by bs one true fan
retarded haiku dom
but who is the retarded
haiku submissive?
by bs
verbal vomit has
its' place among the flowers
and gentle breezes
by bs one true fan
woe be to those who
dare challenge my retarded
haiku dominance
by bs of one true fan
and do not hate the
one true fan if only he
be a reflection
by bs one true fan
though a war no one
wins for who triumphs over
shadows and demons
by bs one true fan
you truly do rule
i'm liking your style how
you think "all out war"
by bs one true fan
yes i do but over
what, a silly rant in a bboard
where people just want
to relax and write
real haikus, not listen to my
verbal vomit
by bs
now to write a blaise
haiku, irritated and there's no taking back these words
by bs
I'm curious at to
see what ammo will be loaded
in the mock guns here
it is a cycle that
keeps going till one stops
and there is only one
by bs
indeed, soy um peridor
that was my generation, many
hard lessons, but also
many oportunities
you are a loser
you suck as well
join the club
by bs
will I learn to as
they say play the game and do you in with your
rules? like I'll say don't
play me and gang up on some
chosen outcast, and
with your empty cheers
drink his blood, but realize
what I think of you all
I'd be pleased to add
you to my menu of idiots
ala carte
not the peaceful ones
but the ones who still spray on subway walls
by bs
I'm wondering and looking
at what i;m saying here and
wondering what portrait
i know you think "you loser"
but what does it mean to me
in the long run seeing this
by bs
could this become a
tradition or do i overlook
my blessings when I
allow "you suck" to
get to me, when it stops then
do they just mindlessly
get bored and go hack
into someone's account or
do they just die of
some drug overdose or
finally someone catches them 30 days in jail
for unpaid tickets
by bs
is it funny then to
see this side of myself come
out when and if i
get to my senses
and walk away, what will you
do then? what if this
goes on for months, years
by bs
to go from response
it's like you are so good at
finding other's diss
to disrespect, but when
does the time come when the piper
plays your empty skull
whistling an ode to your
flesh rotting because you dissed
the wrong homie
by bs
I wonder when I
shall have the pleasure of grinding
your bones into bread
you little shit
by bs
you're a winner
by Anonymous Poet
I'm sure the TMZ
crowd loves to put up the old
push in the face scum
when their own lives are
just as fucking raunchy and
their scandals juicy
by bs
I'm not sure what that
would do, would you stop mocking
others or would you
do it to someone else
or would you be more cautious
or would you who knows
what the fuck am i doing
putting up with this shit
by bs
you're repeating yourself
kid, i really do want to beat
your ass in real life
by bs
these voices here are
real people, assholes or not
they were written by
someone, somewhere
by bs
you're a winner
by Anonymous Poet
all i want to do
beavis is see your head on
a stick and know you
wil type "you suck"
no more
by bs