there's so much to do
i don't know where to begin
and thus i don't start
by ash
desperately seeking
girl with indie attitude
bangs are required
by sf
I would have confessed.
"Be direct" he said, then he
kept flirting with her.
by snail of rejection
cartoon marathon
on saturday afternoon
seize the fucking day
by sf
Discussing a waste of time
Is a waste of time?
by Tisme
it can be quite offputting
better avoid it
by ash
knowing what to do
and actually doing it
i put it all off...
by bs
pretty little thing
who freckle in the sunlight
what else can you do?
by vince
explosive neurons
a line of zoloft inhaled
to the happy place
by sf
It sometimes fools us
Understanding subtleties!
Can also mislead
by Tisme
Easily unnerved
by subtleties, I still feel
strong and creative.
by snail
The relentless noise
of cars and voices pounds on
splitting through my thoughts.
by snail
Tuning out the world,
I can look inward to find
my own music there.
by snail
earphones on, i watch
your tongue wagging on and on
an archaic flag
by vince
I sit at the keyboard
Listening to D' Agostino
Plays Mano Blanca
I write "Thank you Janis"
And. "Big thank you to snail"
Brrr Its cold outside
by Tisme
in the sense of the
word one could say we live with
what we do deal with
by bs
All I wanted was
a sense of connection, but
I messed it all up.
by snail of regret
Has my friend been banned
for something I requested?
It doesn't seem fair.
by snail of justice and mercy
line's already long
and she pulls out her coupons
oh god, kill me now
by sf of rip DFW
no person can eat
fifty eggs in one hour
but paul newman could
by sf of rip
I also think that
Janis has made something quite
significant right here
by bs of she being a canadian of toronto
kindness is like the
element of water, it
washes away stone
by bs
Click the link someday
if you want to chat online.
You can find me there.
by snail of invitation and acceptance
You make assumptions
about my style. Being nice
is not pathetic.
by snail, loyal and defensive
In front of my house
2-inch long hornets patrol;
Call the Orkin Man!
by "Ferris For President"
Out behind my house
lurks a horde of mosquitoes
small, buzzing horrors
by "Rooney Eats It"
ask her on a date
or visit a singles site
don't be pathetic
by sf
You're an Arse sf
Anything that annoys you
It had to be good
by Fuck off sf
do we really need
more ani difranco types
in the music biz?
by sf
recording starts it
promoting is the hard slog
Where do you perform?
by Tisme
Not recorded yet,
but a new acquaintance has
his own studio.
by snail of hope
I was told peace of
mind was willed by myself and
not by others...hmm
by bs
fear can also cloud
vision for the fear can cause
ice in the spirit
by bs
love is food for thought
for it can be true but does
cloud vision as well
by bs
I am overwhelmed
by the good haiku, is that bad?
no, it's about time
by bs
speeding motorists
motes of dust fly in their wake
death shadows the chase
by vince
in work: reality
and in reality: truth
this is why i'm lost
by vince
where do you perform?
I would like to hear your songs
Is that possible?
by Tisme of Have you recorded them?
such little requests
a hug? is that all you want?
Fall into my arms
Rest awhile your safe
I'll keep the world away from you
I'll comfort your soul
by Tisme
Touch is too intense.
Eye contact is invasive.
One hug would save me.
by snail of self-destructive desire
does not decrease with new pain.
It accumulates.
by snail
Is there safety in
going out to perform the
secret songs I write?
by snail, peeking out from her shell
Seduced by her eyes
i took her into my arms
Swaying to music
I longed to kiss her
Her deep longing, begging me
To rip her clothes off
Lovemaking can wait
I turned ardour into dance
Dancing with passion
by Tisme
That's your safety zone
You need the opposite
You need exposure
That way you build inner strenght
You must balence life
by Tisme
For some strange reason,
I repeatedly select
friends my parents' age.
by snail
Elderly stoners
always keep a touch of their
old rebelliousness.
by snail, shy and wild
They all remember
when melodic folk music
was still popular.
by snail
This time I played for
a bunch of old ex-hippies.
They always love me.
by snail
recite pick-up line:
"wanna collide my hadron?"
expect mace on face
by vince
pseudo mystical
eastern philosophizing
call now for details
by sf