Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

go dog go... outside
get fresh air and excerside
"do you like my hat?"
Haiku # 38488, March 16, 2007 2:34 pm ET
by a beautiful day
I think what I was
really trying to say is that
to think too much is

kind of like saying
"you breathe too much"--the brain is
made for use you know

this body needs exercise
Haiku # 38487, March 16, 2007 10:51 am ET
by Mox
those who don't think do
not deserve to breathe, eat, breed
or even take a dump

Haiku # 38486, March 16, 2007 10:45 am ET
by Mox
damn i'm a failure
i try not to think too much
but i don't succeed
Haiku # 38485, March 16, 2007 7:06 am ET
by ash
this cat will gladly
catch rodents and fish rather
than balancing gears

(hope you all are clicking on the name links)
Haiku # 38484, March 16, 2007 2:32 am ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
joints more symbolic
than literal; whatever
vices (passions) let off steam
Haiku # 38483, March 16, 2007 2:25 am ET
by ComiCat of jerzey
Charter boat fishing
a great whole day to relax
for that I can't wait
Haiku # 38482, March 16, 2007 2:18 am ET
by Looking forward to it
Mickey is a con
don't let his cuteness fool ya
natural born theif
Haiku # 38481, March 16, 2007 2:15 am ET
by damn that Mouse!
going to DisneyWorld
this is so not looking fun
research book and work

one guy who went there
wore a pedometer there
daily 13 miles...

I'm making a plan
drawing intinerary
damn this book is big

Tigger better be
on good behavior that day
or I'll kick HIS ass..
Haiku # 38480, March 16, 2007 2:12 am ET
by Holy Macaroni this is a mess
Medical plan won't
cover enemas. They slap
the shit outta me.
Haiku # 38479, March 15, 2007 10:46 pm ET
by Teenage enema nurse
I don't understand
why life throws these things at us
but life is life, so

much based on pride and
lessons ignored, let it be
too easy to say...

Haiku # 38478, March 15, 2007 9:38 pm ET
by Mox
I don't blame u one bit
not one bit for being and
feeling as u do
Haiku # 38477, March 15, 2007 9:22 pm ET
by Mox
i had a brother
who shot himself through the heart
merciful they say

a tough life for him
ah a BIG understatement
was totally fucked

to this very day
mom brags about the pyschic
that said she'd lose one
Haiku # 38476, March 15, 2007 8:04 pm ET
by underneath it all..I hate the bitch
if I were to calm
down and commence actually
giving nature a

head's up then I would
know what I'm missing and take
in some good fresh air
Haiku # 38475, March 15, 2007 5:23 pm ET
by Mox
like closing your eyes
everything goes away gone
and silence is sweet

a moment of wish
the other side of never
taste is a tease

those that have been there
gifted or cursed the question
I know all too well
Haiku # 38474, March 15, 2007 3:40 pm ET
by soma compound
that is so true man
when I need to learn to con
trol myself and mine
Haiku # 38473, March 15, 2007 1:14 pm ET
by Mox of not so sure about the joints
mox needs to smoke j's
and forget about things that
he cannot control
Haiku # 38472, March 15, 2007 12:07 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
the assembly lines
of digital commerce and
war, microcosm

of the real world, the
virtual photon kudzu
coiling up the human

viens for circuits, chips
for cells, gynoid and android
ibm made them
Haiku # 38471, March 15, 2007 11:36 am ET
by Mox
there is a person
on the other end of each
machine, industry

of data, mined, processed
from raw to something machine
ground, industrial
Haiku # 38470, March 15, 2007 11:35 am ET
by Mox
simple cause
no one gives a shit about me here
why should I give a shit
about any of you?

if any of you had a miscarriage, were harmed, got married, had a baby,
won the lottery, your father died,

why the fuck would I care
this is just the internet
out there is more important

than in here...for
you and i, for all of us
this is why I want

to die, this place, literally
once I leave, you may seek
revenge but, a part of

my growth is letting this
place and you people and
this internet go
Haiku # 38469, March 15, 2007 10:49 am ET
by Mox
according to the Satanic
you got your own problems
revel in them
Haiku # 38468, March 15, 2007 10:46 am ET
by Mox
most people who feel
like committing suicide
don't see any other way

out, they're not crazy
they just can't take the ridicule anymore
the rejection ends

with a bullet in the head
Haiku # 38467, March 15, 2007 10:44 am ET
by Mox
if the words are in
writing that is one thing to
inspire but, look at mein wasn't even
very good writing, but that led
to six million deaths alone

among the Chosen People
Haiku # 38466, March 15, 2007 10:37 am ET
by Mox of I don
so, can u help me
or, is it beyond you?
Haiku # 38465, March 15, 2007 10:28 am ET
by Mox
I think you misunderstand

I want to be at peace...alive,
and happy, but not falsely
so, accepting flaws

the dimestore dummy
although perfect in shape lacks
birthmarks, moles, a shape
duramold man, will
not rot, once junked, no bones, no
flaws, no inner soul

I would rather be
this misunderstood thing
you mock as never changing

than a dimestore manakin
Haiku # 38464, March 15, 2007 10:28 am ET
by Mox
fucking computers

I'm happier alone in the
woods and less capable of
making a fool of myself alone

I can watch, and see, and
WITH The God I believe in

whether you mock it or not
this is why a lot of Christians blow you off
even if you call them "unsophisticated"

they don't have to live
up to your false standards
anymore, they are false
standards you know
Haiku # 38463, March 15, 2007 10:22 am ET
by Mox
the internet is
not quite reality as
it is a slice of

thought, words, emotions
and a row of social chutzpahs
to be disrespected

in the ghetto I am told
if you don't play by the rules
they just up and kill you

plain and simple, no
room for error
Haiku # 38462, March 15, 2007 10:18 am ET
by Mox
My writing here
while angry is inferior
and does not reflect
who I really am

this is why "conservative"
people do their best work
unobstructed by the unsaved

moods spread both ways
mind is cruel and self pitying...a broken record

not a permanent state of mind
Haiku # 38461, March 15, 2007 10:12 am ET
by Mox
I'm afraid much like
nixon was incapable
of hiding his flaws

I'd rather with glee let\
you laugh when I can say "you
won't have moxie to kick around anymore"

and I'm still here...
Haiku # 38460, March 15, 2007 10:09 am ET
by Mox
Well, if I left here it
would be because I either
got in a fatal car accident
or got my life together.
Haiku # 38459, March 15, 2007 10:08 am ET
by Mox
my mission statement :
leave an indelible mark
though my vision fades
Haiku # 38458, March 15, 2007 7:24 am ET
by ash
flaws in people are
what makes people human beings
(of course) cats are perrrrfect

      (\~/)   ,
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Haiku # 38457, March 15, 2007 2:03 am ET
by ComiCat of Jerzee
I'm really just a
fifteen yr old boy in rock
in your guitar world

the longer he plays
in this box world to nowhere
more games get dealt

singing who are you??
ooh ooh ooh ooh..tell me who..
I love those backgrounds
I admit it Janice
I'm writing really BAD koos
oh please forgive me
Haiku # 38456, March 15, 2007 1:44 am ET
by that was funny reading
aw crap.. you got me
Google does lead the right path
I'm so self centered
Haiku # 38455, March 14, 2007 9:56 pm ET
by xoxox
I love my babble
meaningless to you maybe
what do you know..huh?


Haiku # 38454, March 14, 2007 9:47 pm ET
by your dish is shrewd but leftovers are my specialty
I've no answers, for
you, only a dream to which
I've no Silver Key

to open the door to
Unknown Kadath, to climb
the walls of sleep, etc
Haiku # 38453, March 14, 2007 7:36 pm ET
by Mox of (or others words trying to impress people with lovecraftian meaningless babble)
the world I knew
is dying around me, I'm
going mad from a

world gone too social
too extroverted, too far
lack of confidence

is the start of suicide
confidence is a survival trait
I don't think I want to survive

in a world this perfectionistic
let the tower of babel come down
Haiku # 38452, March 14, 2007 7:27 pm ET
by Mox of blah, blah, blah
will I ever be
a father, I begin to doubt
and to reveal a

flaw about myself
how the hell can I not be
myself, sliced spirit wrists

and all? I suppose I
need to embrace my inner
psychopath, and throw

reactions feel meaningless
I feel distracted by this
I can't stop

I won't stop, someone kill me
Haiku # 38450, March 14, 2007 7:15 pm ET
by Mox
it's easy to act
with some "higher moral" to
someone reacting

it makes the other
appear as a fool, and makes
the one seem dauntless

when the truth is none
are perfect, all have fallen
and I'm a stubborn

relentless, son of a bitch
Haiku # 38448, March 14, 2007 7:10 pm ET
by Mox
bikini for two bills
tis what I paid and got thrilled
Joy is such a pill
Haiku # 38447, March 14, 2007 5:22 pm ET
by crabs make me ill
nail on the free tune
no penny to fix a price
it's love sauce for all
Haiku # 38446, March 14, 2007 5:18 pm ET
by Captain Nine and the free world
My five year old son
I put him in time out for
being a little jerk

He said he wasn't
going to be his sister's friend
he didn't get his way

I bet you can guess
my response to your disdain
so I won't bother

when you go to bed
and look into your mirror
give love to yourself

thank you for the love
like the time you helped your friend
her heart danced with joy
Haiku # 38445, March 14, 2007 5:14 pm ET
by I love you xoxox
so are you urbane
professional wanna be liberal scum
capable of mocking yourselves?
Haiku # 38444, March 14, 2007 1:04 pm ET
by Mox
an explosion of anger
lashed out at his critics
marshall mathers came out

with words words words
lashing out, his sales
silenced his critics

looking for fresh meat
they attacked en masse
and then went silent when

the prey turned predator
maybe, The 11 Satanic Laws
and not the 10 Commandments

I shall handle you people
by those ideas

and it sounds as goofy
as Dr. Doom on a bender
Haiku # 38443, March 14, 2007 1:03 pm ET
by Mox
I am also blocked by
these genuine weaknesses
these words will come back

to bite me in the ass
as each clearly expressed
insecure moment

is magnified for SOCIETY
in God's eye

YES, I know the fucking forms, true haiku, true Zen
Haiku # 38442, March 14, 2007 1:01 pm ET
by Mox
I really don't like you people
Haiku # 38440, March 14, 2007 12:33 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I wonder if you
concede that a blow against "God"
is a victory

for an empty urbane
way of life I feel
needs to be exterminated

from the earth, almost
Haiku # 38439, March 14, 2007 12:26 pm ET
by Mox
I repeat, what is important...

what is your mission statement
Haiku # 38438, March 14, 2007 12:22 pm ET
by Mox
You tell me.
Haiku # 38437, March 14, 2007 11:41 am ET
by .
what's really important?

Haiku # 38436, March 14, 2007 10:38 am ET
by Mox
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