why don't you just add
another website, if you can
that promotes "free verse"
an idea? or I could
and thus understand the hassle
you could fuck with me
and give me a taste
of my own medicine
however, I think u just
by Mox
when asked to do what
others do not want, we would still
be in caves, fucking goats
and thinking the world
is flat and leviathan might
gobble up switzerland
by Mox
we don't communicate
and you are probably not
the audience I should try
to obtain
by Mox
I will take my poetry
somewhere else then
I am not a haikuist
by Mox
Hey mox take a pill
Your poetry is too long
Jesus fucking christ
by Janis of Toronto
I hate poetry
I do not want to do more
Poetry is gay
by uh.. i dunno...guess of hton
Oh yes go baby
Put that back where it came from
You one horny bitch
by Frank Geferson of townton
i take you to the candy shop
i let you lick my lollypop
keep going to you hit the spot
oh baby dont you stop
by wo cho cho cho of bannana
there's people who get stuck
or attached in some way due
to some need to know
to find out, to push
to explore and expose, and
what does one do then?
by Mox
my instincts tell me
that there are truths eyes can't see
by ComiCat of Jerzey
I like your ideas
pondering, wandering, thoughts
like the waves seaward
very cool to the touch
hard to see, but this mist is
so calming to me
by Mox
I believe in this
our "GOD" is far more complex
than even science
and far more complex
than all ancient books of old
like say the Bible
yet bits and pieces
can be sewn into a quilt
to cover your soul
there's a mirror
you can look into and see
the truth is right there
minds are connected
we see more of this lately
we all all just one
Whose religion is
the one's for eternal life
or destined for all
oh, I think the answer
is induvidual soul
not who you bow to
we boil down to one
this theory however implodes
with time line fractures
that is..although one
we all have different patterns
some are good some not
life is easier to live
when we see another's life
living in his/her plane
by more pondering
the balance of life
when a person steps out the
door to reality
to enjoy a drink
of water in itself, rain falls
on the just and you
know, not so...somehow
I feel most are between that
and r. c. sproul...:)
by Mox
happen if you breath
you sin..just by twixt of life
jerk in the sedan
mad you mad and cut you off
was you yesterday
fornicating girl
being a hussy like tramp
was you yesterday
or maybe not so
this makes you better somehow
never.. better learn
I see some on thrones
that don't deserve their toe licks
makes me cringe
then there are others
that are wise, kind and humble
from them I chose life
and then some I love
I watch, giggle and grow fond
I think very neat
by pondering
the person who needs
to write has often to pay
for past sins, mistakes
survive nutjobs
him or her-self, the world's thoughts
disdain for new, fold
we all have dogmas
cs lewis calls "storge'"
from his book called the
"Four Loves" in which he
does say we human folks do
mistake love for those
old familiar things
by Mox
to me modern libs
are the current stagnant in
our culture today
but you know I am
but the mad remnant of the
cold war was good mind
you, seig heil reagan
a charming bastard who um
trickle down? you know
I'll be waiting for
my unemployment check soon
where might I be no?
by Moxie
I am out of whack
but it feels like having to
measure up to some
perfect example
when all have fallen short in
the eyes of God, so
that striving itself
seems, unforgiving, evil
samsara, when it
is said, to let go
and let God, yet I can't just
let go, do you know
when you fuck up do
you decide to stop? or do
you move on yourself?
by Mox
Man is dangerous
When he is out of balance
Not in Ying and yang
Most peoples simply
Seesaw between good and bad
Lack of self-control
by William Nippress
nature of man is
both good and evil, but yet
fleeting with these times
by Mox
the drugs do the feels
and the thoughts, as indifferent
domesticated house folks
dwell on in their tasks
clean, organize, etc, etc, etc...
by Mox
sounds like super fun
the smells alone attract
release of the mind
by neat
At Drumfest last night
People dance limbs akimbo
No style or control
Just self-expression
As the Senegal drummers
Made our hearts beat fast
Reacting not self conscious
Good to see freedom
Frightening to some
What could they do with training?
Watch out Fred Astaire
by William Nippress
comes a time for change
when wind the blows and time laughs
at you or with you??
by deal the cards
my weakness is that
I do not appreciate
what i do have, shame
by Mox
dear mox you have much
friends happiness and great love
i don't understand
by i find this strange
truth is if I keep
posting here the only one
I'm hurting is me
when i first came here
I had ideas, goals, then the
popularity contest
when that kicks in, folks
can see that as they may, by
getting away from
those voices who are
used to a person being
a certain way, drugs
I am responding
to people illogically (ok 8 syllables)
in a desperate
attempt, it shows from
people who could care less if
i were plowing snow
for a full time job
next week, drinking coffee and
going to church, here, I'd
still be "same old mox"
with the same this and that
change comes real hard for
by Mox
it is annoying
isn't it, these trite self poke
analysis, endless
these threating mad
lashings out, these, annoyed words
I wonder what will
be said though, in a
look back, when time seems to put
this thing to a death
for me, and not here
important, just, meaningless
your words, you people
by Mox
I feel when writing
a fight or flight feeling like
that of a man held
at gunpoint, who needs to
defend his life, rather than
critical thinking
this is odd becase
"creative writing" is so
often a battle
of egos best left
alone, so that person can
grow without their words
by Mox
the thing about these
bboards and so on is they
only show a slice of
the person in check
I don't think I'll ever change
in that I take this
personally, so if
i write the question is will
I learn not to care?
by Mox
some things never chang
other things always mature
then consider mox
by ap
They get oil from
those " I " countries, with soldiers
from all those " I " states
by Brady of Toronto
Her grace disrupts me
Unbroken dishes - laughter
all these tearless years
by Brady of Toronto
We discuss again
buying things only the poor
can afford to buy
by Brady of Toronto
I slept in the snow
disturbed dreams of the absurd
of some dignity
by Brady of Toronto
now that I've got you
exactly where I want you
I'm going to eat you
by booger on my finger
like right now he sings
I fart you..fart fart.. you fart
ahhhh..ahh.bark .gun shot
by my kid-ner-garden-er
some boys are weird
making weird noises, restless
he always says "fart"
by my kid-ner-garden-er
I wonder a bit
can I overdose on Halls
I'm killing this bag
by I hate being sic
you have all the fun
and you still complain and cry
+don't see it do you
by pffft.. kiss my beautiful bum
nick is a big tool
seven syllables? pass
by Bad, bad Haiku Brown
angels host do or die
fresh baked apple angel cake
with devil's frosting
by Mox
i will wave a wand
bippety boppety BOO !!!!!!
happy spell on you
by tanks fairy godmother!! xoxo
Note to everyone
On teh internets only I
know who you are
by Anonymous Poet
The Axemakers Gift
Not a bad little volume
To appreciate
by Anonymous Poet
live love dream and give
cover your ass, take what's yours
but not out of hand
by ComiCat of Jerzey
the thing I need to
be for those I love, is to
be strong for them as
well as just myself
I am not the only thing
at risk in a war
against someone
with fallen ambitions to
be once as the God
by Mox
leaves pack of red man
for all the folks here, so chew
spit, splat, I yi yi
by Mox
well, I assumed and
made an ass of my self here
personal stanza
gazundheit, what comes
over in a fit of fury
mouth look like foot
by Mox