only one left now
no idea what to study
b.s. like a pro...
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, TX
fullbusted finals...
prostate exam is more fun
see them all in hell
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, TX
ma'm you got ID?
aussie post gone bananas
was posting a toy
by mellie
depression sinks in
isolation, lonliness...
santa's not coming!
by bongo-bruno
by fqbush
comodify the
holiday sprit, buy gifts,
and drain the wallet!
by k
methods unlike fonz
unleash the grand royal spear
thoughout handbasket
by jerm
ship of state - titanic
oh captain - exxon valdez
drunk at the wheel, watchout!
by fuqbush,again
not enough shoes! more walmarts!
not enough oil! attack the evil axis!
not enough lumber! too many trees!
by fuqbushalot
bankrupt situations,
third world vacations and bougie pain
reality television?
by smoking apple pie
war, games, flags, penants,
sanitized, televised, painless,
you know, like the superbowl
by reactionary aggression
whine whine, moan moan,
i hate people sometimes,
wait, come back!
by reluctant misanthrope
this evening of smog
vibrant brown sky, and crickets
Stupid Useless Vehicles
by ihatesuvs
little boys
are making my shoes
by consmr
unbaited hooks in the water
pens with no ink
voting in florida
by il-leg-it
allegra and liberty
i dance in grassy fields
(may cause anal-leakage)
by botox
pterydactyl bones
biding their time
my leisure is deadly serious
by obscuro the obtuse
shimmering waves of hair
caught like fish in aquanet
by the globefrotter
crisp winter day
stepping on landmines
look, my leg is in a tree!
by sweatpotato
Grand wizened one
A Lott thanks him
what is the sound of ignorance?
by Daikon Ashley
the season that shines
in non-vibrant areas
means its time to go
by jerm
why the hell are you
people so damn quiet?...time
to write more haiku!
by k of hates holidaze...but the parties can be fun
most unusual
quiet at haiku central
shopping for christmas?
by ash
my reminiscences of
by ash
actually, strom
is a true living fossil
like the coelancanth
by scotch
Strom Strom Strom Strom Strom
Strom Strom Strom Strom Strom Strom Strom
once part of X-Men
by jawilli1
new life slips into
our family and our world
we shall call him Strom
by jawilli1 of alabamy
morning of sadness
disaster under the tree
N*Sync for Christmas
by jawilli1 of alabaram
To want for Christmas
the tradition of yule tide
spay Adam Sandler
by indyscott
Ted's out, Clay's in...what
kind of pyscho-sexual
hold does this man have?
by onjaysun (Come on, Surbrivor)
wife paints clown picture
bad painting; what can be done?
sell it on ebay
by jawilli1 of alabamm
satisfaction Mick
wanna get my kicks 'n licks
get your ya ya's out
by mellie
it was fun fun fun
was busy doin' nothing
good timin' Brian
wouldn't it be nice
to do it all again friends
good vibes forever
by mellie, thank you Brian Wilson
commercial beat up
christmas is a load of bull
santa gertrudis ?
by ash
once upon a time
nothing wold sneak up on me
now it is christmas
I heard jingle bells
while shopping for groceries
made my eyes glitter
by mellie
breaking waves
sounds of
sampled time
by popcorn of usa
veil of snow
covers the ground
cracks are still seen
by popcorn of usa
you use too much paint
you paint too fast
off to the south seas
by popcorn of usa
horoscope: Virgo
but reading those "horoscopes"
take Leo's instead
by mother may I?
horoscope says
"speak using a hand puppet"
must ask for a raise
by scotch of (aka scott, the gemini)
Soothsay Thursday, Clay's
outstay play decays..Gray J
way may flay, pray, bray
by onjay..sun (still picking Brian)
shadows formed
from lighting thrown
darkness still surrounds
by popcorn of usa
new haiku method:
begin with random letters,
delete non-haiku
by scotch of (hey, it works in sculpture, why not poetry?)
Some of them just bad
Some of them horribly bad -
One hundred haiku
by R. of PT
Give up bad habits
and pick up only good deeds -
Ask and request peace
by R. of PT
Whatever the goal -
Only acceptable means
can bring to success
by R. of PT
Apri la Tua man,
nutri ogni vivente -
Celeste bonta'
by R. of PT
Grazie al Cielo
c'e' abbondante scelta -
Dubbi per ricchi
by R. of PT
Cavoli, pesce,
Spinaci e broccoli -
Fino a quando?
by R. of PT
"Seven" has 2 syls,
while "sept" has got only one -
Necessary choice
by R. of PT