Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

hair grey, face wrinkled,
time have changed you so much dad,
stay with me i pray.

Haiku # 16496, October 22, 2001 6:55 am ET
by moonflower
cheese and butter,
that is all that ever matter,
to my one platter.
Haiku # 16495, October 22, 2001 6:50 am ET
by moonflower
bitter butterfly,
try to laugh and do not cry,
you are loved know why.
Haiku # 16494, October 22, 2001 6:45 am ET
by moonflower
nothingness filter
removes any nothingness
leaving only all
Haiku # 16493, October 22, 2001 5:52 am ET
by ash
janis, unclamp it:
you're not pro-nazi are you?
you were drunk on fumes
Haiku # 16492, October 22, 2001 4:55 am ET
by scott (whoa!)
softy and silky hair;
please do not fall in the air;
let me touch oh Clair.
Haiku # 16491, October 22, 2001 3:57 am ET
by moonflower
people are happy,
like the birds and fish guppy;
my heart feels fluffy.
Haiku # 16490, October 22, 2001 3:55 am ET
by moonflower
no haiku given?
cant think of anything even?
rest now in heaven.
Haiku # 16489, October 22, 2001 3:52 am ET
by moonflower
No haiku submit-
ted ... will all be gone so soon
Nothingness filter
Haiku # 16488, October 22, 2001 3:29 am ET
by Janis
I wanna new 'blog
One that won't make me sick.. One
That won't make feel....
Haiku # 16487, October 22, 2001 3:27 am ET
by Janis
Its unpopular
My opinions I do mean
Mouth firmly shut
Haiku # 16486, October 22, 2001 3:25 am ET
by Janis
Ah... good old spray paint
I remember you so well
Face deep in the bag
Haiku # 16485, October 22, 2001 3:24 am ET
by Janis
marin nazi youth:
please go OD on something
inhale your spray paint
Haiku # 16484, October 22, 2001 2:06 am ET
by scott,
here's a dharma door:
be real, not so "enlightened"
close it when you leave
Haiku # 16483, October 22, 2001 1:59 am ET
by scott to that chick
the price of freedom
is eternal vigilance
- thomas jefferson
Haiku # 16482, October 22, 2001 1:57 am ET
by scott...well, i typed it
pure evil decides,
tricksta fox is not moxie,
back to well earned nap
Haiku # 16481, October 22, 2001 12:46 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Two linked Haiku
American Style
Shit in your nacho
Haiku # 16480, October 21, 2001 11:05 pm ET
by Tricksta Fox
pure evil awakens,
fathomless eyes examine
tricksta foxes words
Haiku # 16479, October 21, 2001 10:42 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Hey Tricksta Fox, that
poem sucks, it's not even
a haiku, dumbass.
Haiku # 16478, October 21, 2001 9:52 pm ET
by Nacho Master
Ill Haiku
You see below
What you think?
Haiku # 16477, October 21, 2001 8:44 pm ET
by Tricksta Fox

Reality is violent
Imaginary doves
Shout for peace to

A deaf world with
Wounds that leak
Vile Secretions
Haiku # 16476, October 21, 2001 8:24 pm ET
by Tricksta Fox
hon, stay sweet and true;
and please do not make me blue;
cause i love just you.
Haiku # 16475, October 21, 2001 8:04 pm ET
by moonflower
hon, stay sweet and true;
and do not make me blue;
cause i love just you.
Haiku # 16474, October 21, 2001 8:04 pm ET
by moonflower
love is a puzzle;
lovers cannot untangle;
just play the puzzle.
Haiku # 16473, October 21, 2001 7:57 pm ET
by moonflower
last book read: Valis
favorite sport: mountain biking
my sake: haiku
Haiku # 16472, October 21, 2001 7:50 pm ET
by scott the satyrical
yes, her hands are huge.
her low voice high: "meditate".
just pay it no-mind.
Haiku # 16471, October 21, 2001 7:40 pm ET
by scott (teacher has a what?)
don't date therapists
they're professional screw-ups
give me yahoo games
Haiku # 16470, October 21, 2001 7:28 pm ET
by scott (over-generalizing as usual...and not about the ex, if anyone cares, or even if they don't...)
raindrops and teardrops;
keep pouring oh so alike;
just pour life's meaning.
Haiku # 16469, October 21, 2001 7:26 pm ET
by moonflower
hugging ex-girlfriend
we fit like jigsaw pieces
difficult puzzle
Haiku # 16468, October 21, 2001 7:23 pm ET
by scott
i thank the Lord Jesus;
40 years of life on earth;
with so much blessings.
Haiku # 16467, October 21, 2001 7:20 pm ET
by moonflower
Yellow bus
On asphalt roaring
Rush to catch
Haiku # 16466, October 21, 2001 1:34 pm ET
by Tricksta Fox of ATL
Amoral Giants stalk
Stressed student
Haiku # 16465, October 21, 2001 11:51 am ET
by Tricksta Fox
ur lips,ur lips uuuuuuu blablablablablablablablablba??????
Haiku # 16464, October 21, 2001 2:51 am ET
by haikU of da WORST
kevin is devilish,
handsome and bright,
i love kevin with all my heart.
Haiku # 16463, October 21, 2001 2:51 am ET
by moonflower
Haiku # 16462, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16461, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16460, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16459, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16458, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16457, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16456, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16455, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16454, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16453, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16452, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16451, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16450, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16449, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16448, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 16447, October 21, 2001 2:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
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